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Ubuntu for phones

Ubuntu for phones - Industry proposition
Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth explain Ubuntu's mobile strategy and what it offers industry partners.

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Google Play services is not supported on the Android emulator

Please don't test your app using Google Play services API (include Google Maps Android API v2) on Android emulator, because Google Play services is not supported on the Android emulator — to develop using the APIs, you need to provide a development device such as an Android phone or tablet; refer Google Play services SDK document.

Google Play Store is missing

Google Play services is not supported on the Android emulator

Create Android Emulator AVD using Android Virtual Device Manager

To create a new Android Virtual Device for Android Emulator using Android Virtual Device Manager:

- Click Window on Eclipse top menu, and select Android Virtual Device Manager.

- Your available AVDs will be listed in Android Virtual Device Manager.

- To create a new one, click New... button.

- Enter details; include your assigned AVD Name, target Device/CPU, optional setting of Camera, Internal Storage size, and SD Card size. And click OK to finish.

Android Emulator of Nexus 7

Android Emulator of Nexus 7

Remark: In my opinion, don't use Android Emulator to test your app if you have real Android device. It's very slooooow! And Google Play services (include include Google Maps Android API v2) is not supported on the Android emulator.

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