Save $350 on Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro quad-core Intel Core i7 2.7GHz

Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro quad-core Intel Core i7 2.7GHz,16GB RAM, 768GB SSD, 1GB GDDR5 NVIDIA,Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion - Ships...

Create a PendingIntent for Notification to do nothing

Refer to the last post " error of using NotificationCompat.Builder, IllegalArgumentException: contentIntent required ", if you wan...

Get inside your favorite movies with Google Play

“What’s his name again? Wasn’t he the guy in that movie with the battle of the bands?” Now, while you're watching a movie on Google Play...

The World’s Languages in Your Pocket (No Internet Required)

Have you ever found yourself in a foreign country, wishing you knew how to say "I'm lost!" or "I'm allergic to peanut...

Alfa Romeo 4C Launch Edition

S4 / 1.742 cc / 240 PS / 258 ft/lb (350 Nm) / turbo / 0 - 62 mph (100 km/h): 4,5 s / Vmax: 155 mph (250 km/h) / Limited edition (1000 cars)...

error of using NotificationCompat.Builder, IllegalArgumentException: contentIntent required

Refer to the exercise " Example of using NotificationCompat.Builder "; if the statement of new

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